Pillows, Pizza & Ping Pong
We will be having fun activities while also providing service (which is also a fun activity).

The service will be making pillow cases for local hospitals to use for sick children.
The idea is that these pillow cases will be fun and bring happiness and cheer to these children who are suffering.
So, we would invite everyone to bring fun fabric from home to use or to stop off and buy some fabric that they think the children would like.
I've included a coupon that I found for Joanns- 50% off-- which will work on one cut of fabric, so if you coordinate with another person, one of you
can get fabric for the main part of the pillowcase (it takes 3/4 yard for each pillowcase) and the other person can get a corresponding fabric for the
boarder (it takes 1/3 yard for each pillowcase)
Fabric must be 100% cotton only, NO glitter and NO skulls (directions for pillowcases).

We would also like anyone who has a surger and/or is skilled at sewing to email me (trentonkerr@gmail.com) or comment on the Facebook event page.
If people have cloth scissors, pins, seam ripper, or other sewing related items we would ask them to bring them as well.
Besides just making the pillows, we will also be leaving messages of hope (non-religious) in each of the pillow cases for the children to read.
The fun will be grilled pizza's, ping pong table, zip line and a lots of fun games. President Hicken has pretty much the funnest home I have ever seen.