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Pillows, Pizza & Ping Pong

We will be having fun activities while also providing service (which is also a fun activity).

Ryan's Case for Smiles

  • The service will be making pillow cases for local hospitals to use for sick children.

  • The idea is that these pillow cases will be fun and bring happiness and cheer to these children who are suffering.

  • So, we would invite everyone to bring fun fabric from home to use or to stop off and buy some fabric that they think the children would like.

  • I've included a coupon that I found for Joanns- 50% off-- which will work on one cut of fabric, so if you coordinate with another person, one of you

  • can get fabric for the main part of the pillowcase (it takes 3/4 yard for each pillowcase) and the other person can get a corresponding fabric for the

  • boarder (it takes 1/3 yard for each pillowcase)

  • Fabric must be 100% cotton only, NO glitter and NO skulls (directions for pillowcases).

  • We would also like anyone who has a surger and/or is skilled at sewing to email me ( or comment on the Facebook event page.

  • If people have cloth scissors, pins, seam ripper, or other sewing related items we would ask them to bring them as well.

  • Besides just making the pillows, we will also be leaving messages of hope (non-religious) in each of the pillow cases for the children to read.

  • The fun will be grilled pizza's, ping pong table, zip line and a lots of fun games. President Hicken has pretty much the funnest home I have ever seen.

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