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Our Conference Logo is a Bridge with 9 circles on top--one for each of the 8 stakes in the MN region and a larger circle at the top center, known as the capstone, which represents Jesus Christ.  

The capstone of a bridge is the central supporting piece. Join us this year as we learn how Jesus Christ is a Bridge Builder; how it is only through Him that we can return to live with our Heavenly Father, and how we can be Bridge Builders for the Him, the Master Architect, in our personal relationships, at church, & in our communities.

Both Friday and Saturday:  Keynote Address & Catered Dinner River Cruise, Seminars, Breakout Session, Service Project, Free Time:  Nature Preserve, Zoo, or Yard Games, 2 Catered Meals (Lunch & Dinner), Testimony Meeting & Live Entertainment & Board Games.

Keynote Address & Catered Dinner River Cruise

Everything in Full Conference option except
the boat cruise / keynote

This Year's Conference Highlights

Friday Day:  August 27

  • Pre-Conference Activities

    • Lake Elmo

    • Como Zoo

    • Yard Games

Friday Evening:  August 27

  • Conference Kickoff

    • Dinner Cruise and Keynote Address on St Croix River​

Saturday: August 28th

  • Group Mixers

  • Seminars​

  • Service Opportunity

  • Catered Lunch

  • Break-Out Sessions Geared toward

    • Never Married Single's​

    • Divorced Singles

    • Widowed Singles

  • Free Time

  • Catered Dinner

  • Testimony Meeting

  • Group Photo

  • Live Band Dancing, &      Board Games

  • Goodbyes / Clean Up


Conference Dates:     27-28 August 2021
Registration Closes on:  22 August 2021
Pre Conference Activities

Pre-Conference Activities
Friday, 11am-4pm

Swimming- CLOSED 8/24
DUE TO LIFEGUARD SHORTAGE (man-made beach, hiking, biking and much more!
COST $7 parking pass --PAYABLE  AT THE PARK &  Bring your own sack lunch.
LOCATION:  1515 Keats Ave N, Lake Elmo, MN 55042
CAR POOL FROM THE CHURCH if you'd like- gather in the big parking lot at the Stake Center.  LEAVE promptly at 11:15am.

Located in historic Como Park, this popular zoo, especially known for its California sea lion exhibit, also features a great cat display, gorillas & giraffes as well as the beautiful flower shows in the conservatory.
COST: Free (they do have a donation box) / Bring your own sack lunch
LOCATION:  1225 Estabrook Dr, Saint Paul, MN 55103-1022

Mask policy:  Mandated indoor and outdoor
CAR POOL FROM THE CHURCH if you'd like- gather in big parking lot at Stake Center.  LEAVE promptly at 11:15am


We will provide a variety of games for all activity levels.  
Activities will include:  Kickball, Ladderball, Frisbee, Cornball, and Croquet
COST:  FREE & bring your own sack lunch
LOCATION:  Stake Center Pavilion


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Friday Night Conference Kick-Off
Dinner Cruise & Keynote Address on the St Croix River

Create lasting memories and experience the beauty of this National Parkway, the scenic St. Croix River on a 2.5 hr private dinner cruise aboard the Jubilee II.  We will have ice breakers, a great dinner, hear from our guest Keynote Speaker & just socialize.

LOCATION:  525 South Main St. Stillwater, MN 55082
Mask Policy: Recommended, but not required

5:30pm:  Check table opens.  Pick up your boarding pass, name badge, and ice breaker packet and board the boat.  Boat leaves 6:15pm

CAR POOL FROM THE CHURCH if you'd like- gather in big parking lot at Stake Center.  LEAVE promptly at 5:00pm


Roger McBride, our is Keynote Speaker.  Roger McBride grew up near Logan, Utah as the oldest of 3 boys and one girl. He attended Utah State University where he majored in industrial engineering. A few years after returning from serving in the Arkansas Little Rock mission, Roger married Laurie Littledike and together they have raised 5 amazing children and 10 equally amazing grand-children. In 1985 Roger’s employment necessitated a relocation of their family to Minnesota. Roger has nearly 40 years of experience in the field of safety and health and is the Executive Vice President of Safety and Risk Management at Ames Construction, a nationwide heavy civil and industrial general contractor. He directs a staff of over 50 health and safety professionals. He has served in many callings in the church including stake presidency, high counselor, bishop, branch president, elder’s quorum and young men’s president, seminary teacher, gospel doctrine
and a primary teacher. He is currently serving as a Temple Ordinance Worker and as a counselor in a Branch Presidency. When time permits, he spends time fishing and has a particular love of fly fishing. Roger has a deep love of the gospel of Jesus Christ and a firm testimony of the truthfulness of this latter-day work. He is honored to be invited back to participate in this year’s conference.

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Morning Check-in (Rochester) & Mixers (Minneapolis Stake)
Saturday, 8:30am-9:40 am

Be sure to stop by to  check-in for the Saturday portion of the Conference and grab your name badge if you haven't already done so. Your name badge helps others know who you are, where you are from as well as other conference info.  Please wear it during the conference.
LOCATION:  NW and SW entrances to the building.

After you check-in, join us for some fun mixers and get to know some of the other singles at the conference.

A.M. Workshops
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Opening Exercises (St Paul Stake)
Saturday, 9:45am -10:15am

Welcome, OS, OP, Logo Theme Intro, Special Musical Number by Catherine and Elizabeth Lyon, Guest Speaker Remarks, Bios on Seminar Speakers

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Morning Block of Workshops
Saturday, 10:20am-12:40pm
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David Gore, Duluth Stake President

Bridge Builders in the Church-                                
CAUTION:  'Distracted Discipleship' is just as dangerous as Distracted Driving

Whether never married, divorced, or widowed, it can be especially challenging to be a single adult in our family-focused faith. So many sermons, conversations, activities, and even ordinances are centered on marriage and family relationships, and members at times are not sensitive to the loneliness and feelings of single members of being "outside" what everyone seems to be talking about. From a gospel perspective, the answer for how we can best deal with the challenges of life, is discipleship. Unfortunely, just as distracted driving can lead us into a ditch, or much worse; "DISTRACTED DISCIPLESHIP" can lead us into dangerous territory too.  During this Seminar our presenter will examine ways we as singles can be Bridge Builders for Jesus Christ at Church offering a CLEAR PATH where-in we can not only FOCUS on growing in our discipleship and SWERVING away from the negative distractions but can also be build bridges for others to assist them from becoming a distracted disciples. 
LOCATION:  Chapel, 10:20-11:05am

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Terrie Soberg

Bridge Builders in Personal Relationships-  
Detoxifying from Unhealthy Relationships with Christlike Love

When we have experienced, or are dealing with an unhealthy relationship, how do we move through the hurt and pain involved while instituting safe boundaries with someone that has hurt us--and or our children-- emotionally, psychologically, or physically? Our presenter will discuss how we can use times like these, even during our toughest moments, as opportunities to increase our Charity- the pure love of Christ- so that we don't carry the toxicity of past relationships forward into future relationships.
Location:  Chapel, 11:10am-11:55am


Julia Estaban

Bridge Builders in the Community
SERVICE PROJECT- No Sew T-Shirt Tote Bags

Socialize during this workshop as we make No Sew T-Shirt Totes for Food Banks 

Do you have a new or gently-used t-shirt you no longer wear? In this workshop, we will turn T-shirts into a reusable grocery bag local food shelves can use to get food to those who need it most in our community.
If you would like to donate new or gently used CLEAN Adult Sized S-XL T-SHIRTS, please bring them with you to the conference!
LOCATION:  Cultural Hall, 11:55am-12:40pm

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Lunch (Rochester Stake)
Saturday, 12:45-1:40pm
Catered Lunch at the Pavilion​ (Rochester Stake)
Chipotle- Steak or Chicken Burritos, Salad, Chips and Dip, Cookie (Black Bean and Brown Rice Enchiladas)
Lunch Break
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Break Out Sessions
Saturday, 1:45pm-2:30 pm​
Breakout Session

Break Out Session- Geared Toward Singles Never Married

10 Tips that Can Lead to Developing Healthier and Happier Relationships 

     One of the most profound experiences we can have in our lives is the connection we have with other human beings. Positive and supportive relationships will help us to feel healthier, happier, and more satisfied with our lives. We know that it is true that not all singles whom have never been married wish to date, or even get married.  It is also true though, that every relationship we have (familial, platonic, dating, marriage) can teach us something.      In this breakout session, Our Class Facilitator(s) will provide us with 10 Tips for Healthy Relationships.  As a group, we will talk about how these “tips” look in daily life and discuss strategies we can use to help implement the tips in order to develop more positive and healthy relationships.

Break Out Session- Geared toward Divorced Singles

Alienated and Shamed OR Embraced, Needed and Wanted Within the Church

     Going through a divorce as a member of a family centric church is difficult on its own. The support that one feels from Priesthood leaders and ward members while going through, and post, a divorce can be paramount during a time when divorcing singles are searching for strength despite the emotional struggles they are faced with. While some have positive experiences, many experience the opposite, often times leading them into inactivity during a time when their faith is fragile.

     In this Breakout session, we will be sharing our experiences in a safe setting- both the good and the bad--listening with thankful hearts for those who had good experiences and with compassion for those who have been hurt. We will be creating a list of ideas gleaned from our experiences that we will be sharing with our local leaders.  Our hope is that it will provide insight on how they can better support those who are experiencing, or have experienced, a divorce so they don’t feel alienated and shamed, but instead feel embraced, needed and wanted within the Church.

Break Out Session- Geared toward Singles who have lost a Spouse to Death

On My Own, But Not Alone-Going Forward in Faith

     Because no one’s journey is exactly the same, there is no cookie cutter formula to rebuild, survive, or thrive after loss. During this hour, you will meet with other members in the area who have lost a spouse.  Building a network of brothers and sisters who have experienced a similar loss can help buoy the soul, spirit and body.  
     In the Break Out Session, our facilitator will lead a group discussion in which group members with explore and share ideas that each has used that have been helpful in surviving and potentially thriving as they navigate their individual paths.  We hope that each will walk away with a new friend and some new ideas that will truly liberate and set you on a healthier and more joyful path to Christ accessing His ability to bring short-term as well as long-term peace and healing.

Free Time
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Free Time Options (St Paul Stake)
Saturday, 2:30pm-5:30 pm

Free Time- Option 1: Oakdale Nature Preserve

LOCATION: 4444 Hadley Ave. N., Oakdale, MN 55128


The Oakdale Nature Preserve, a 200-acre passive outdoor recreation area surrounds the Discovery Center. The park offers a 28-acre lake and an abundance of prairie land and mature trees. The park also includes paved hiking and biking trails, boardwalk, tennis, playground area, picnic areas, forest garden, and a large parking area at the Discovery Center.


CAR POOL FROM THE CHURCH if you'd like- gather in big parking lot at Stake Center.
CARPOOL groups leave PROMPTLY at 2:40pm and 4:00pm.  Meet in the Large Church Parking Lot.


Free Time- Option 2- Independently Work on the Service Project

LOCATION:  Primary Room

You may choose to independently continue to work on the service project we worked on earlier in the day.


Free Time- Option 3:  Yard Games & Group Collaboration Challenges
We will provide a variety of games for all activity levels, and you provide your own picnic lunch.  Activities will include:  Kickball, Ladderball, Frisbee, Volleyball, Giant Yahtzee, Cornball, Croquet, and  Gary Countryman's Innovative Small Group Collaboration Challenges.

OR, do something on your own!!!

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Catered Dinner @ the Pavilion (Lakeville Stake)
Saturday, 5:45pm-6:45pm
BBQ- Pulled Pork, Pulled Chicken & Sides 
Testimony Meeting
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Testimony Meeting (St Cloud Stake)
Saturday, 6:50pm-7:15pm; 7:15pm-8:00pm
Guest Speakers:  Deanna Kerr, Elder Jeffrey j Kerr, Area Seventy
Special Musical Number:  
Single Adult Testimonies

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Group Conference Photo
Saturday, 8:00pm-8:10pm
Location:  Cultural hall.
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Live Music and Dancing (Oakdale Stake-Setup/Refreshments)
Saturday, 8:15pm-9:15pm
 Joe Bly's live band.
Location:  Cultural hall.
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Board Games & Good Byes
Saturday, 9:15pm-10:00pm
Location:  Cultural hall.

***Please be thoughtful about wearing masks at the conference.  They are recommended, but not required.***

***Please note, the conference itinerary may change due to availability of volunteers or inclement weather.***

Live Band & Social Hour

Directions for Filling in Registration Form

1.  Fill in the Registration form below. 

2.  On the last page of the registration form, follow the link to the Credit Card Payment site.

       REGISTRATION ENDS on AUGUST 22nd at 11:59pm
Register Here
Conference Registration Form
  • Refunds may be requested through AUGUST 20th. Please call 651.246.5818.

  • REQUESTS for complimentary housing ends on AUGUST 22nd at 11:59pm

  • REGISTRATION ENDS on AUGUST 22nd at 11:59pm

This is not an official website of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
This site is published and maintained for Minnesota 8-Stake Single Adults
by its webmaster



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