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Shiloh and Joy Stone 

Shiloh and Joy Stone moved to Minnesota with their 3 children in 2014. Shiloh works as a Historical Records Linguist for Familysearch involved with building Machine Learning capabilities. He enjoys being physically active and especially enjoys soccer. Joy works as the supervisor in Results Processing for the Imaging Department at the VA Hospital. Other than her family, her passion in life has always been Family History. She often says that she eats, breathes, and sleeps family history work; her newest endeavor has been genetic genealogy. She will engage in research for anyone anywhere because the harder the issue, the more fun she has with it.

Trish Van De Veer 

Trish is the Agency Manager for LDS Family Services Minnesota Office.  She and one colleague cover the five state area of North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota and parts of Montana and Wisconsin.  Sister Van De Veer is married to a long distance barefoot runner who plays the cello, and together the couple have four adult daughters (Perhaps that is why he runs?).  

Jonathan Matthew Lammers 

Joined the church when I was 19. Served a mission in Houston. Undergrad from BYU-I, Masters from Utah State. I’ve been married to Hannah for 17 years. We have 3 boys: Daxton, Teegan, Kyson. I have been employed with church education for 15 years. 

Troy Dixon


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